workplace supervision and mentoring

Building a more robust and resilient team, now and in the future, is critical to the overall success of any organisation and business.

Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147%. So how can you continue to support your employees in a meaningful way and help them to develop invaluable skills along the way?

Independent supervision and mentoring provide employees with a means to connect, learn and grow within the company whilst developing their career paths.

direction can provide your staff with the opportunity to explore professional concerns, develop skill sets, improve their motivation and focus under the guidance of an impartial supervisor or mentor who will coach them towards higher achievement and peak performance.

The relationship with the supervisor/mentor is entirely confidential and through discussion, personal and professional goals are set to help keep employees focused on goal-driven support. The sessions can be conducted face to face, by telephone or virtually to the needs and preferences of the individual or group.

What are the benefits?

With this extra level of support, it often becomes easier for people to flourish, work more effectively and attain their full potential which in turn benefits themselves, their peers and the organisation.

Organisations participating in our Workplace Supervision and Mentoring have reported:

  • A marked increase in employee’s abilities to thrive in the face of change within the workplace
  • Employees are more equipped to take control of difficult situations when they arise, deal with conflict more effectively and build on their working relationships

Improvement in the overall communication, productivity, safety and efficiency.